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The Kallin Family Artists are Jenny Kallin and her three offspring: Sophie Levi-Kallin, Phoebe Bowman, Hamish Kallin. The Family have exhibited together annually since 2022, creating special shows which bring together their unique art styles with the shared feeling of family cooperation and style. Check out the members' Instagrams for examples of their work.



Meet the Kallin Family Artists


Jenny Kallin

Jenny is inspired by her extensive vintage dollshouse collection, using ink, coloured pencil and collage to create darkly nostalgic drawings and sculptures. 




Sophie Levi-Kallin



Phoebe Bowman

 Phoebe uses paint, pen and chalk to create moody and mysterious figures and ghostly landscapes.  



Hamish Kallin

Hamish's (mostly) imagined urban landscapes fuse scratchy pen lines and woodcut-inspired graphics.



Family Trio poster final.jpg
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